Chatzidaki Aspasia
Sociolinguistic dimensions of Bilingualism-Teaching Greek as a Second Language

Dr. Aspasia Chatzidaki is Professor in the Department of Primary Education at the University of Crete. Since 2012 she has been Director of the Centre for Intercultural and Migration Studies, affiliated with the same Department. In her research, Dr. Chatzidaki focuses on sociolinguistic aspects of bilingualism (e.g. translanguaging, family language policies) and on teacher education for (i) diversity and inclusion in the Greek educational system and (ii) teaching Greek as a second and heritage language.
She has participated in numerous research and teacher education projects and has published on issues of minority/heritage language maintenance and inclusive/empowering approaches to education with regard to bilingual students. In the past five years she has published two books “Teaching bilingual students; theoretical issues and educational approaches” (2020, Pedio publications) and “Community-language development among minority-group children: the role of family and school” (co-author: Christina Maligkoudi, Κallipos/Open Academic Editions) and co-edited three collective volumes in international publishing houses on ‘new’ migration from Greece and on refugee education in the Greek context -
Semester/Year Undergraduate Courses Χειμερινό 2024-2025 - Linguistically and Culturally Responsive Teaching (A06 15)
- Issues in teaching Greek as a Second language (A08 02) -
International scientific journals / conferences• Chatzidaki, A. (2019). Greek schools in Germany as a ‘safe haven’; Teachers’ perspectives on new migration and community language schools. In J.A. Panagiotopoulou, L. Rosen, C. Kirsch, & A. Chatzidaki, A. (Eds), ‘New’ Migration of Families from Greece to Europe and Canada - A ‘New’ Challenge for Education? (pp.153-174). Berlin: Springer.• Mattheoudakis, M., Chatzidaki, A., & Maligkoudi, C. (2017/2020). Heritage language classes and bilingual competence: Τhe case of Albanian immigrant children in Greece. Ιnternational Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism. DOI: 10.1080/13670050.2017.1384447.• Chatzidaki, A., Maligkoudi, C. & Mattheoudakis, M. (2021). Albanian immigrant parents supporting community language maintenance: the “hows” and “whys”. In M. Mattheoudakis, E. Griva & M. Moumtzi (Eds), Migration and Language Education (pp.16-36). Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.• Gkaintartzi A., Chatzidaki A., & Tsokalidou, R. (2014). Albanian Parents and the Greek Educational Context: Who is Willing to Fight for the Home Language? International Journal of Multilingual Research, 8(4), 291-308. DOI: 10.1080/19313152.2014.953004• Chatzidaki, A. & Maligkoudi, C. (2023). Community language schools and agency in minority language transmission. In N. Gogonas (Ed.), Teaching and Learning Heritage Languages in Greece and Cyprus. (pp.16-35). Cambridge Scholars PublishingGreek scientific journals / conferencesΤίτλος Δημοσίευσης-National• Chatzidaki, A. & Maligkoudi, Ch. (2019). Community schools as ‘safe spaces’. Developing multilingual and learner identities through the acquisition of the heritage language. In A. Androussou, M. Sfyroera, A. Velopoulou, S. Deli, E. Didachou, E. Katsikonouri, S. Saiti (Eds), From Here and Everywhere: educational changes and pedagogical practices for an open school (Proceedings of 11th ΟΜEP Conference, University of Athens, 3-5 November 2017) (pp.350-361). Available atσυνέδρια/241-11ο-συνέδριο/html (in Greek).Τίτλος Δημοσίευσης-National• Maligkoudi, Ch. & Chatzidaki, A. (2018). Translanguaging in Albanian community schools. A case study. In R. Tsokalidou & M.A. Kekia (Eds), Proceedings of the 4th International Conference “Crossroads of Languages and Cultures. Multilingual educational approaches and educational policies’’ (Thessaloniki, 2-3 June 2016) (pp.239-253). Thessaloniki: Polydromo & School of Education, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki) (in Greek).Τίτλος Δημοσίευσης-National• Mattheoudakis, M., Chatzidaki, A., & Maligkoudi, Ch. (2017). Greek teachers’ views on linguistic and cultural diversity In E. Agathopoulou, T. Danavassi, & L. Efstathiadi (Eds), Selected papers on Theoretical and Applied Linguistics from ISTAL 2015 (International Symposium on Theoretical and Applied Linguistics, 24-26 April 2015) (pp.358-371). Thessaloniki: School of English, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Available at:Τίτλος Δημοσίευσης-National• Chatzidaki, A. & Maligkoudi, C. (2018). Bilingual teaching practices in an Albanian community school in Greece. Menon, 5/2018, 5-19.Τίτλος Δημοσίευσης-National• Chatzidaki, A. (2019). Second language teachers for bilingual students; from obscurity and neglect to action and cooperation. In E. Vasilaki, S. Kalbeni, & R. Kitsiou (Eds), First language and multilingualism. Educational and Sociopolitical Approaches (Proceedings of the Tzartzania conference, Tyrnavos, 6-8 November 2015). (pp.419-434). Available at: (in Greek).Collections / Collected volumes• Chatzidaki, A. (2020) Teaching Bilingual Children. Theoretical issues and educational approaches. Athens: Pedio. (in Greek)• Chatzidaki, A. & Maligkoudi, C. (2023). Community-language development among minority-group children: the role of family and school. Κallipos, Open Academic Editions,] (in Greek)• Κousis, M., Chatzidaki, A., & Kafetsios, K. (Eds) (2022), Challenging Mobilities in and to the EU during Times of Crises. The Case of Greece. IMISCOE Springer series.• Chatzidaki, A. & Tsokalidou, R. (Eds) (2021). Challenges and Initiatives in Refugee Education: the case of Greece. Cambridge Scholars Publishing.• Panagiotopoulou, L. Rosen, C. Kirsch & Chatzidaki, A. (Eds) (2019). ‘New’ Migration of Families from Greece to Europe and Canada - A ‘New’ Challenge for Education? Berlin: Springer Verlag.
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